I.C.H.P. Institute of
Hypnotherapy & Psychotherapy
Joe Keaney – founder of I.C.H.P. – has been and continues to be a giant in the world of Hypnotherapy and Hypno-Psychotherapy
in Ireland
(Aidan Noone, from EAPH The European Association of Professional Hypnotherapists)

why choose us
ICHP Clinic
After 30 years in private practice, it is Joseph Keaney’s simple philosophy that the subconscious mind causes symptoms, therefore it is only the subconscious mind which can reverse them.
Hypno-Psychotherapy has a scientifically proven track record to access the subconscious mind to find and remove the root cause and dissipate the effects while simultaneously providing solution focused suggestions for positive outcomes.
Trying to change consciously is like fixing a car engine with the bonnet down. It cannot be done.